英语作文:五一国际劳动节 May Day


英语作文的输出需要大量的积累、不断的练习,期间模仿的重要性不可小觑。以下是小编整理的关于小学英语作文:五一国际劳动节 May Day的资料,希望对你有所帮助!

May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor's Day. My mother said to me : "Open your eyes!And look out of the window. What a fine day! Let's go to park," So my mother, my classmate and I went to the park. We took some foods in my schoolbag. On the way to the park. I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds. I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on. Below the trees, there are several kinds of flowers. It's colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white. I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky. I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop. They were wonderful.

In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I visited the birds, mice, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on.

May Day is my favorite day!

五月的第一天是周日,也是劳动节,妈妈对我说说: "睁开眼睛,看着窗外的,多么美好的日子,我们去公园把, "妈妈,同学和我一起去了公园,我们带来些食物放在书包里。在去公园的路上,我看到了蓝天与白云,梨树和苹果树等,树下有很多不同种类的话,五颜六色的,有蓝色、红色、黄色、粉色、紫色、橙色和白色,我看到一些气球和蝴蝶在天空中。我吃爆米花,玉米片,香蕉和棒棒糖,非常好吃。



本文地址: http://m.joozone.com/tg/125557.html

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