英语作文:I hate Cockroaches




Cockroaches are the insects that frighten me most.蟑螂是最让我害怕的昆虫。

I wasn't afraid of them before, but now I can't stand them. One day, when I was sleeping, some disgusting odor came to my nose. I found a dead cockroach under my body and its eggs on my pillow! I almost died! I jumped off my bed at once and took a bath quickly. That experience made me hate cockroaches.我以前是不怕他们的,但是现在却受不了他们。一天,当我正在睡觉的时候,我闻到了一股很恶心的味道。我发现在我的身下有一只蟑螂,它的卵在我的枕头上。我几乎吓死。我立刻跳下了床,冲了个澡。那次经历让我开始恨蟑螂。

What I find the most disgusting is when a cockroach fly around the room. I'm always afraid that they might stop on my body. Hearing the sound of its wings makes me nervous and afraid.我发现最恶心的是当有蟑螂在房间里面飞。我总是害怕它们会飞落在我的身上。听到蟑螂翅膀振动的声音会让我紧张害怕。

Cockroaches pose a threat to our daily lives. A dirty environment will attract many cockroaches and it does harm to our health. They pollute food and water and bring many illnesses, such as dysentery and skin diseases.蟑螂危害着我们每天的生活。肮脏的环境会引来大量的蟑螂,并危害我们的健康。它们污染我们的食物和水,并给我们带来疾病。比如痢疾,和皮肤病。

I can't help shivering at the sight of them.每次见到蟑螂我都禁不住会吓得发抖。


本文地址: http://m.joozone.com/xiaoxue/110123.html

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