









To: Mr. Wang, president of University

From: Li Ming, chairman of the Students’ Union

Date: March 10, 2020

Subject: Research on online courses during the epidemic

With the outbreak of the epidemic, online teaching has been adopted in our university, which has maintained the teaching order and ensured the orderly progress of teaching. In order to improve the online teaching, we have carried out a survey on all the online courses in our university. The results show that the overall performance is satisfactory, but there are still some areas that need to be improved.

On the whole, the online courses are successful by adopting advanced educational means to meet the teaching needs while reducing the possibility of infection through face-face contact among people. So it is a suitable method during the epidemic period. According the survey, most students can fully adapt to the online course and express their support for the new ways of education. However, the method of teaching is still a challenge to some teachers who are not capable of using modern technology in their lecture. In addition ,compared with the traditional classroom, online classes lack direct communication between teachers and students, which is an obvious drawback in the online education.

本文地址: http://m.joozone.com/kaoyan/94541.html

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